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About me
Of all the things you could know about me, I would like the first to be that I love my family dearly. My husband and I have been married for eleven years and we have been parents for seven years. We are foster and adoptive parents, currently raising five beautiful children.
I have spent my time writing because I believe words can change the world. Time and again, a culturally relevant story, published at the right time, has redirected the hearts of man and altered the course of history. It is my desire to open the eyes of Americans to the values of truth and freedom once again.
Check out what I've been working on
My Book
The year 2034 is fast approaching, 50 years after 1984. Yet, America still faces the tension between personal freedom and government control.
“It’s easier to believe the lie than to stand for truth.”
Georgiana Wellington grows up in a world of constant indoctrination. Corporate corruption and government overreach have combined to cultivate a country accepting of... -
My Podcast
Welcome to the Autumn Brueckmann Show! Here, we discuss topics others are intimidated by. The world of politics is growing and growing, moving beyond economic and safety concerns into morality, health, and speech. Where do you stand on the issues? What will you do when faced with a decision? Tune in as we cultivate conversations to get to the truth of issues, and share your thoughts with us! And remember, to live in truth!
My Blog
Check back soon for further updates!